Litter Box Training a Mini-Pig- Day 5

Wednesday, March 7, 2018
     I watched Lil' Pig use his litter box yesterday all by himself. So, he knows to use it. He still doesn't use it every time however. Yesterday, I took him outside to use the bathroom too. He loves our trips outside. I'm also starting to let him venture more around the house, but only while supervised since he still pees on the floor.

     I've been laying a lid out with some pellets on it for the last couple days. At first, he wasn't interested in pellets at all, but yesterday, I saw him finally start eating some. I've been soaking the pellets in his milk at feeding time to start weaning him off the milk. When I first brought him home, he was eating 4 oz of milk every 2-3 hours. The bag of Nurse All says he should be eating 6-8 oz three times a day at 3 weeks old to weaning. So now, I feed him 6 oz milk mixed with pellets (completely dissolved) at 7am, 12pm, 5pm, 10pm. In the next week, I plan on making the pellet mixture thicker, paste like, and change his feeding to 3 times per day, plus he can root in the yard on our visits out there. I'll keep him on the paste mixture for about a week or so, and hopefully, he will be ready to move to pellets and vegetables, plus treats.

     I'm waiting to get him weaned and litter box trained before I start on other training. I want to teach him sit, come, and stay first. I also want to leash train. Right now, we just walk freely in my yard. He follows me everywhere. I want to leash train so I can take him to the river and the park. I want to start that pretty early because I imagine it's not going to be easy!

     Until next time.....

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