Litter Box Training a Mini-Pig- Day 1 1/2

Saturday, March 3, 2018
     Yesterday, I went and got the largest litter box (Petmate Litter Pan, Blue Mesa/ Mouse Grey, Large) I could find at Walmart and some pine wood chips (Kaytee Aspen Bedding, 8.0 Cubic Foot Bag) to start litter box training.I read everywhere online about how easy litter box training a mini pig is. Not exactly true! People say it's easier than training a puppy. That's not exactly true neither! At least you can pick a puppy up to take outside without it squealing! My boy is getting better though. We picked him up and took him outside yesterday, and he loved rooting in the dirt. He followed me and my husband around. He was running by my husband's feet! So stinking cute!

     Oh yeah, back to litter box training! I got my husband to cut out a walk-in space on the litter box so that my pig could easily get in and out of the box. I put one of the used pads with pee and poop in the box, then covered it with the wood chips. I was hoping the smell of his urine and poop would attract him to use the box. Nope. He got in the box and rooted and played with the wood chips, then peed everywhere except in the box! I constantly had to mop with vinegar! I wiped up the pee with paper towels, and then put them in the box. Didn't help. Finally, I put an extra pad down outside and beside the box. He used the pad a couple times, and then started peeing on the floor again!

     So today, after I mopped the floor, I decided to try a different approach. I dumped the wood chips out of the box and just put a pad (AmazonBasics Pet Training and Puppy Pads, Regular - 100 Count) in there. I set the litter box up right in front of his bed. When I saw he was getting up from his nap, I coaxed him to get in the box. He basically had to step in the box to get out of his bed. And, he peed in the box! I praised him like crazy! I wanted to give him a treat, but I didn't have nothing soft, so I'm going to buy some yogurt or applesauce today and see if he likes it as a treat to use the litter box. It's only 9am, so I will write more tomorrow letting you know how my training is going!

Here was my original set-up. I started with only a little wood chips, but when that didn't work, I added more to see if that would help. It didn't.
Litter Box Training Wood Chips

This is how I set it up this morning. As you can see, it is right in front of his bed. I read they hate peeing near their bed, so the first time I tried to put the box away from his bed area. But my pig wakes up, steps out of bed, and pees first thing!
Litter Box Training Mini Pig Pad
If pee and poop gross you out, then exit now! This next picture shows Lil' Pig actually using it! (Yes, I named my pig Lil' Pig)
Litter Box Training Juliana Pig

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