Litter Box Training a Mini-Pig- Day 2

Sunday, March 4, 2018
    Lil' Pig only had one accident during the night, and I was able to coax him into the box this morning before his breakfast. Yesterday, he was still trying to pee outside of the box, and I would pick him up and put him in the box every time I caught him. Boy, did he get mad when I put him in box! I think he is learning the word pee-pee though as I say it when he is in the box. This morning, I said let's go pee-pee, and I sat near the box and pointed my finger to show him how to get in. He went in and used it, so I'm really hoping he gets the concept soon!

     When he does use the bathroom on the floor, I clean it with a paper towel, then put the paper towel in his box. This is to help with the scent. I clean the pee spot with vinegar afterwards hoping to deter him from using it there again. It is not easy like I read on sooooo many sites. But, the week ain't over yet! One lady said they could be trained in a week. That is my goal!

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