Lil Pig Has Been Here 10 Days

Saturday, March 10, 2018
     I got my Lil' Pig 10 days ago. When I first brought him home, he'd squeal like crazy when I picked him up. Now, he might squeal just slightly at first, but nowhere near like it was. He is getting used to me. I thought I got a defective pig when I first heard him squeal! I was thinking no wonder he's the last one left! Then, I learned that most all do that!

    I wouldn't say that Lil' Pig is completely litter box trained. I still have to coax him in the box basically every time he has to use it. I catch him when he first wakes up, then I coax him to use the box. He rarely uses the box on his own. He has, and he knows how, but I still have to coax him. I put a pee pad under the litter box, and he usually will pee on the pad at night while I'm sleeping.

     He eats pellets now. When I first brought him home, he was drinking milk only. I started mixing pellets with his milk which he would drink the milk and ignore the pellet paste. So, I just put out a small kitten bowl with some pellets in it and changed his milk times. Changing the milk times is what encouraged him to start eating his pellets. I changed it from him getting milk every 3-4 hours to him getting milk 4 times per day, and now we are down to 3 times per day. In between, he can root and eat pellets. He has started drinking water some too. Not much, but he don't need to because he has milk still. Soon, I will be dropping the milk to twice a day until completely weaned.

     He loves going outside with me and my husband. My husband and I are very outdoorsy people, so he gets outside a lot. I haven't leashed trained yet. He follows us around on his own. He doesn't want to be alone, so if we get out of site, he comes running to find us.

     I plan on starting some basic training in the next week or two. I was wanting to wait until he started using the litter box on his own before I moved on to the the next thing. Plus, he is just a little over 4 weeks. He hasn't had any treats yet....just pellets and milk. I'm saving treats and goodies for training!

    Overall, I'm so happy to have this lil' fellow in my life. It's like having a little toddler around. My son is grown and my daughter will be 18 next year, so I really enjoy his company. I can tell my husband loves him too. Lil' Pig just fit right in with our family. He is a blessing!

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