Litter Box Training a Mini-Pig- Day 4

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Lil' Pig Soaking in the Sun
Yesterday went slightly better than the day before. Lil' Pig still peed on the floor, but he used the box some too. I used to have to pick up Lil' Pig to take him outside, but now he will following me outside. I say, "Come on Lil' Pig. Let's go pee-pee," and he follows me right out the door! That is so cool! So most of last night I took him outside to pee, until it started raining. Once he felt the rain, he ran straight back to the door...LoL Overnight, he pooped outside of box, but I was able to get him to go into it this morning. Strangely enough, I think he is starting to understand the box is for using the bathroom. I didn't have to as much coaxing this morning. I think he might get it in a few more days. I'm feeling more optimistic today than I was yesterday!

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