Baby Pig Can Sit

Tuesday, December 18, 2018
I watched all kinds of YouTube videos showing people easily teaching a pig to sit. So, I went into this thinking it would be as easy as training a puppy. Wrong. From my experience, it depends on the pig. Lil' Pig will not sit for me, and he is still a smart pig. He is very loving and curious. Now Baby pig, it was so easy to teach her to sit. She loves food more than Lil' Pig I should mention. All it took was a Fruit Loop and some hand motions and she has it memorized. Lil' Pig has no interest in sitting. At all. I should also mention that Lil' Pig is a male Juliana and Baby pig is a female Vietnamese Pot-Belly. Too me, the female is way easier to train. Anyway, here is the video I made!

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