To Chicken or Not to Chicken

Friday, December 29, 2017

 Original chicken artwork by Whimsical Inklings" ( Purchased from Teachers Resources on Etsy.
Every backyard farm needs chickens! Chickens can be a meat source, plus you'll get eggs. Chickens are one of the easiest animals to care for. Before you get chickens, you'll need to make sure they have a coop to live and roost in. If you have the money, you could purchase one already made from my favorite store Tractor Supply😁. The average price for a coop is around $150-400 depending on the size. The bigger the coop, the more the cost. Wal-Mart sells chicken coop kits on their website and you can also find used ones on Craigslist. If you want to make your own or you're on a budget, then YouTube provides a ton of videos on how to make coops. Below is a video I thought was cute and quick on a budget. You could also use pvc pipe and wrap chicken wire around it. The ideas are endless, but this video will help get your brain juices flowing.
Next I'll be writing about chicken breeds....

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